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Klingon Empire
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Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Klingon Empire

Bird of Prey Class (ENT "Borderland")

<Unnamed> Bird of Prey
Hijacked in The Borderland by Augments
Captain Raakin
Captain Malik
Captain Arik Soong
Captain Malik
Disabled by Enterprise
On or shortly before 27 May 2154
(classification confirmed by dialogue)
<Unnamed> Bird of Prey
Escort for Fleet Admiral Krell's flagship
Identified as a battle cruiser
Disabled by Columbia
<Unnamed> Bird of Prey
Escort for Fleet Admiral Krell's flagship
Identified as a battle cruiser

B'rel Class (ST Encyclopedia)

General Martok
(verbally identified as a small Bird of Prey; presumed this class)
Destroyed by Cardassian cruiser above Trelka V
(verbally identified as a small Bird of Prey; presumed this class)
Captain killed
Commandeered by Kor
Presumed lost after engaging at least ten Jem'Hadar fighters
(verbally identified as a small Bird of Prey; presumed this class)
(verbally identified as a small Bird of Prey; presumed this class)
(verbally identified as a small Bird of Prey; presumed this class)
<Unnamed B'rel Class> / HMS Bounty
Scout Class
Captain Kruge
Admiral James T. Kirk
Crash-landed in San Fransisco Bay, Earth
<Unnamed B'rel Class>
Captain Klaa
<Unnamed B'rel Class>
Advance Scout

D5 Cruiser Class (DS9)

Captain Kor
Battle Cruiser
Captain Duras
Disabled by Enterprise
Destroyed by Enterprise in Delphic Expanse
(ship name presumed)
<Unnamed D5 Cruiser Class> [ 2 ]
<Unnamed D5 Cruiser Class>
Battle cruiser
Warp engines disabled by Enterprise

D7 Class (ST Encyclopedia)

IKS Groth
Battle cruiser
Captain Koloth
(ship name identified DS9 "Trials and Tribble-ations")
<Unnamed D7 Class>
Captain Kang
<Unnamed D7 Class>
<Unnamed D7 Class>
Commander Kor
<Unnamed D7 Class> [ 6 ]
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
<Unnamed D7 Class> [ 2+ ]
<Unnamed D7 Class>
Captain Kolar
  • VOY "Prophesy"

D12 Class

<Unnamed D12 Class>
Commanded by Lursa and B'Etor
Destroyed by USS Enterprise
NCC-1701-D, over Veridian III

K't'inga Class (ST Encyclopedia)

IKC Amar
Destroyed by V'ger
Battle cruiser
Disabled by Jem'Hadar near Cardassian border
Kronos One
Battle Cruiser
Chancellor Gorkon
IKC T'Acog
Destroyed by renegade Klingons
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain K'Temoc
Found after extended dormancy
<Unnamed K't'inga Class> [ 2 ]
Destroyed by V'ger
<Unnamed K't'inga Class> [ 3 ]
<Unnamed K't'inga Class>
Destroyed by DS9
<Unnamed K't'inga Class>
<Unnamed K't'inga Class>
Captain Kang
Battle Cruiser
Disabled by USS Excelsior
  • Stardate 9521
<Unnamed K't'inga Class> [ 3 ]
Battle Cruiser
  • Stardate 9521
<Unnamed K't'inga Class> [ 4+ ]
<Unnamed K't'inga Class>

K'Vort Class

IKS Koraga
Captain Worf
(class identified by USS Gander display screen)
IKC Pagh
Captain Kargan
Commander William Riker (temporary)
  • ST Encyclopedia
<Unnamed K'Vort Class>
Destroyed in battle with USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D
<Unnamed K'Vort Class> [ 2 ]

Negh'Var Type (DS9)

Flagship (angular nose section)
General Martok with Chancellor Gowron
  • Omnipedia
<Unnamed> [ 2 ]
(25 yrs after Stardate 47988)
Klingon Attack Cruiser (modified rounded nose section)
One destroyed by USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D [ Refit ]
<Unnamed> [ 2 ]
(modified rounded nose section)
Captain Korath
(alternate timeline, 26 years hence)
(modified rounded nose section)
(alternate timeline, 26 years hence)
(modified rounded nose section)

Raptor Class Scout

Found sinking in gas giant atmosphere

Toron Class Shuttlecraft (Omnipedia)

<Unnamed Toron Class>
Captain Koral

Vor'Cha Class (ST Encyclopedia, ST:DS9 TM)

IKC Bortas
Captain Gowron
IKS Drovna
Massive hull breach from cloaked mine
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
IKS Maht-H'a
Captain Nu'Daq
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
IKS Qu'Vat
Commander Morag
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
IKS Toh'Kaht
Captain Tel'Peh
Destroyed (bomb placed near reactor core)
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Battle Cruiser
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
Captain K'mpec
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
Governer Torak
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
Emperor Gowron
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 2 ]
Destroyed by DS9
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 4+ ]
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 4+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
(presumed ship of Sirella, Mistress of the House of Martok)
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
Destroyed by two Jem'Hadar fighters
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 4+ ]
(at least one destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons platform)
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 2 ]
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 2 ]
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 11+ ]
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 15 ]
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class> [ 5+ ]
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter
<Unnamed Vor'Cha Class>
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter

Bird of Prey Type

IKC Buruk
Captain Gowron
Captain K'Temang
Boarded and taken by Gul Dukat
Identified by name
Captain Kurn
One ship of 311 unaffected by Breen energy dampening weapon
IKS Korinar
Commander Kaybok
(executed by General Martok)
IKS Rotarran
General Martok
(prefix identified in DS9 "Sons and Daughters")
IKC Vorn
Captain Duras
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 2 ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 2 ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
Destroyed by IKC Bortas
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 2 ]
Destroyed in battle with the Hegh'ta
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
Prototype vessel
General Chang
Destroyed by USS Enterprise and USS Excelsior
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
Destroyed by USS Defiant
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 4 ]
Destroyed by DS9
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 2 ]
(Escorts for IKS Drovna?)
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 3 ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
Destroyed by Gul Dukat in Bird of Prey
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 3+ ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 2 ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 4+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 7+ ]
(at least two destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons platform)
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 3 ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 4 ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 6 ]
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
Chancellor Gowron
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 6+ ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 3 ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey> [ 8+ ]
<Unnamed Bird of Prey>
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter

Other Class/Type

Cargo vessel
<Unnamed> [ 3 ]
Attack Cruiser
IKC Prang
Civilian transport
Crashed on Galorda Prime
<Unnamed> [ 5 ]
Civilian transport
Civilian transport
Destroyed by USS Defiant
<Unnamed> [ 3 ]
Cargo ship
Battle cruiser
Apparent K't'inga design
Captain Korok
Apparent freighter
<Unnamed> [ 2 ]
Presumed abandoned in orbit of ringed planet
Battle cruiser
Destroyed by parent ship due to contagion
Scout ship
Modified Bird of Prey/D7
<Unnamed> Bird of Prey
Fleet Admiral Krell's flagship
Identified as a battle cruiser

Unknown Class/Type

<Unnamed> [ "fleet" ]
Sent to attack Breen homeworld during the Klingon Second Empire
All lost
(historical reference)
<Unnamed> [ 7 ]
<Unnamed> [ 5 ]
Severely damaged
Captain Klaang
Crash landed near Broken Bow, Earth
<Unnamed> [ 2 ]
Captain Goroth
(from 20 years ago)
"Parent ship"