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Star Trek Locations: Countries to Cities

Aberdeen, Scotland, Earth
Africa, Earth
Alameda, California, USA, Earth
20th century
Alicante, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Alice Springs, Australia
Mental invention
Historical reference
Anchorage, Alaska, Earth
Antwerp, Earth
Arizona, Earth
Atlanta, Earth
Present day
Auckland, New Zealand, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Australia, Earth
21st century
22nd century
Austria, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
B'Hala, Bajor
20,000 year old city
Site of the discovery of a 30,000 year old tablet
Bamako, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Baruta, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Beausoliel, France, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Belgium, Earth
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Bergen, Norway, Earth
Berlin, Germany, Earth
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Site of alien embassy
Beziers, France, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Bloomington, Indiana
Circa December 2000
Boston, Earth
  • VOY:Mosaic
Bozeman, Montana, USA, Earth
19th century
April 5 2063
First official contact with Vulcans
Brisbane, Australia, Earth
Broken Bow, Oklahoma, Earth
Brooklyn, New York, USA, Earth
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Brussels, European Alliance, Earth
Buenos Ares, Argentina, Earth
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Earth
Cambridge, Earth
25 ys after Stardate 47988
Canada, Earth
Canberra, Australia, Earth
Site of alien embassy
Canton, Ohio
Circa December 2000
Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania, USA, Earth
Circa 1957
Chicago, Illinois, USA, Earth
20th century
Christchurch, New Zealand, Earth
Curitiba, Earth
  • VOY:Mosaic
Dahkur Province, Bajor
Home province to Major Kira Nerys
DS9 ?
Dakar, Senegal, Earth
Site of nanite constuction facility
Deadwood, USA, Earth
19th century
Death Valley, California, USA
Mental invention
Detroit, Michigan, USA
C. 2004
Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA, Earth
Circa 1957
Duluth, Minnisota, USA, Earth
Edinburgh, Scotland, Earth
Ekaterinberg, Russia, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Ende, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
England, Earth
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Europe, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Fair Haven, Ireland
Possibly 1800s
Finland, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
First City, Klingon Imperial Empire
Florida, Earth
Reference Florida Keys
France, Earth
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Georgia, Earth
  • VOY:Mosaic
Gesaros, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Giza, Egypt
Site of the Great Pyramid
Glasgow, Scotland, Earth
Göteberg, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Gravett Island, Earth
Enterprise-E evacuation site
April 5, 2063
Heliopolis, Alpha Aradoni II
Hertfordshire, England
World War II
Hindrics Pool Province, Bajor
Hollywood, USA, Earth
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Ihlara, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Illinois, Earth
Of a not-quite-Earth
900 years in the future
Ilvea, Bajor
India, Earth
Indiana, Earth
Home to Kathryn Janeway
Indianapolis, USA, Earth
Iowa, USA, Earth
Japan, Earth
Jolan City, Bajor
Juneau, Alaska, Earth
Mentioned in weather report
Kathmandu, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Kendra Province, Bajor
Kenmare, County Kerry, Ireland
Kentucky, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Rebuilt Kyrian city
Kessik IV
Ketel Province, Kronos
Martok's boyhood home
Kota Bahru, Malasia, Earth
Reed's parents' home
Labarre, France, Earth
Lahore, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Lakarian City, Cardassia Prime
Destroyed by Dominion forces
Two million dead
Las Vegas, Nevada, Earth
20th century (circa 1962)
Leningrad, Russia, Earth
Mentioned in weather report
Madison, Wisconson, USA
Mental invention
Manhattan, New York, USA, Earth
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Marseilles, France
Marta Community, Southern Continent, Malkor III
  • TNG
Mexico, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Mill Valley, San Francisco
Minsk, Earth
Montana, USA, Earth
Zephram Cochrane's warp ship base
April 4 2063
Zephram Cochrane's inferred birth place
Monterey, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Mopti, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Moscow, Russia, Earth
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Lenin's assassination in 1916 meant no communist Russia, thus no U.S.S.R.
Musila Province, Bajor
Nahalek Province, Rakkar
Nairobe, Earth
Netherlands, Earth
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
New Berlin
New Berlin, Luna
New Jersey, Earth
New Marteem-vaz, Atlantic Ocean, Earth
New Orleans, Earth
New Syndey
Off-planet from Farias
New York, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Ngari, Tibet
North Africa, Earth
circa Eugenics Wars
Norway, Earth
Oahu, Hawaii, Earth
Oakland, California, Earth
Ohio, USA, Earth
  • VOY:Mosaic
Site of insurgent activity
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Old Bandi City, Deneb IV
Onkor Village, Prit border
Panama City, Florida
Paradise City, Nimbus III
Paris, France, Earth
Pensecola, Earth
Peru, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Petra, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Earth
Circa 1957
Pike City, Cestus III
Portage Creek, Indiana
Circa December 2000
Site of the Millennium Gate, completed 2012
Portland, Earth
Site of speech by Zephram Cochrane ~89 years ago
Rakantha Province, Bajor
Rapid City, USA, Earth
19th century
Reliketh, Bajor
Resic, Northern Province, Kataan
Rhode Island, Earth
Rio, Earth
Ropol City
Roswell, New Mexico, USA, Earth
Circa July 1947
Russia, Earth
San Francisco, California, USA, Earth
Sausalito, California, USA, Earth
20th century
Scandinavia, Earth
17th century
24th century
  • VOY:Pathways
Scotland, Earth
TOS (?
Secaucus, New Jersey, USA, Earth
Singapore, Earth
Skopje, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Songpan, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
South Carolina, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Ste. Claire, France
World War II
Switzerland, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Ta'Loth, Vulcan
Tamoona, Bajor
Tarpin Springs, Florida, Earth
Telde, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Texas, USA, Earth
Tobago, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Tokyo, Earth
Mentioned in weather report
Tombstone, Arizona, USA, Earth
19th century
Tongve, Kronos
Historical ref.
Turnapuna, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways
Tyco City, Luna
United States of America (USA), Earth
Eastern states fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Underground city on Loque'eque homeworld
Long since abandoned
Valdez, Alaska, Earth
Venezuela, Earth
Virginia, USA, Earth
Site of insurgent activity
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Vulcan, Earth
17th century
Small island off Sicily
Washington, D.C., USA, Earth
Fell to western-expanding Nazi Germany
Alternate timeline (circa 1944)
Wellington, New Zealand, Earth
Wengen, Switzerland, Earth
  • VOY:Pathways

<Unnamed> Klingon city
<Unnamed> Terran settlements
All within 1000km radius of Skagaran transport
<Unnamed> Romulan city
<Unnamed> Aenar compound
Underground of Andorian moon
<Unnamed> domed cities, Mars